Haste is now assuredly more consequential
We were never a fan of Haste in build 21215. You might have noticed already, but all the videos in the previous post were recorded with 0 haste. As we'll discuss further down the page, haste was the stat to avoid, just as mastery is currently the stat to avoid in Warlords. There wasn't much point in showing you our rotation at 30% or 50% haste if doing so would compromise our throughput. (After all, who* wants to push more buttons and deal less damage?)* ...okay, but besides me, who wants to do that?
It turns out the developers didn't think haste was all that
great either, and they overhauled it for quite a few classes.
For Monks, Haste now decreases the cooldown of Fists of Fury, Whirling
Dragon Punch?, Rising Sun Kick, and Rushing Jade Wind*.
* It already decreases the cooldown of Rushing Jade
To explain how much of
a difference this makes, we compiled a table of every haste benefit we could
think of, spanning from Warlords to Legion ... to Legion again.
We should mention that we are bad at designing tables, so we hid this
one away inside this spoiler tag that may or may not work when you click on it.
Don't want to look at all that? That's okay, we probably got the details
wrong. We'll summarize the important
In Warlords, we get more Blackout
Kicks/Chi Explosions (moderate attack) and more Rushing Jade Winds (moderate talent). That alone increases our
damage by a fair amount, but we also generate Tigereye Brew more often (as a
side effect from BoK/CHEX). TEB stacks
are consumed to temporarily boost all
damage by 60% -- that includes the
damage from our strongest attacks,
which are otherwise unaffected by haste.
So, Haste didn't let us use our strongest attacks more frequently,
but in return we got to amplify their
damage more often, and so it stayed useful to us. We reluctantly admit
that doesn't sound much like "haste".
In fact that sounds like a more active version of our existing Mastery*.
* which is
kind of amusing because our original Mastery back in Mists was a more active version of our Haste
In Legion build 21215, we get many more
Blackout Kicks (which is now a weak
attack) and slightly more Rushing Jade Winds (moderate talent)... and
that's it. Tigereye Brew is no longer
linked to how many BoKs we use, and haste doesn't affect any of our other abilities.
There was some talk recently about how Feral Druids (in Warlords) avoid haste because it doesn't
affect their bleed damage at all, and their direct damage isn't strong enough in
comparison to take haste over another stat which does affect bleed. Replace Shred+Ferocious
Bite with Blackout Kick and you have an idea of how this works out for monks.
In Legion build 21249, we get many more
Blackout Kicks/Spinning Crane Kicks (weak attacks) and slightly more Fists of Fury (very strong
attack), Rising Sun Kicks (moderate attack), Whirling Dragon Punch?es (strong
talent), and Rushing Jade Winds (moderate talent).
So, Haste finally lets us use our strongest attacks more
frequently. And if that sounds familiar,
there was going to be a stat in Warlords
that did the same thing -- Readiness -- but they ultimately shelved it because it
"doesn't compare well* against [other] secondary stats". Combining it with haste sounds like a nice
* In its place, we got Versatility. Do I sound bitter? Tryin' to sound bitter here.
What's our maximum APM?
Pop quiz! Let's say I
mistype a number in the monk simulator and give myself 50% Haste. Also, the cost of Tiger Palm mysteriously
drops to 30 while nobody's looking.
What's our maximum APM?
It's not 60. I've
heard some of you say it's 60, but it's not 60.
Each individual tick of Fists of Fury does not count as its own
action. Off-GCD abilities do count as their own actions.
(Standard Disclaimer: everything written in Dagnerous Padna's bolg
is based on napkin math and may contain glaring inaccuracies.)
(Special Disclaimer: the following
message is based on napkiner math and
may contain glaringer inaccuracies.)
At 50% Haste, cooldowns and channel times are reduced to
(1/1.5) = ⅔ of their normal amount.
Fists of Fury lasts for 2⅔ seconds at 50% Haste
Each Fists of Fury is 1⅔ APM "lost" (because we're not taking any actions while it channels)
Fists of Fury lasts for 2⅔ seconds at 50% Haste
Each Fists of Fury is 1⅔ APM "lost" (because we're not taking any actions while it channels)
How many Fists of Fury do we use per minute?
Fists of Fury has a 16 second cooldown at 50% Haste
Fists of Fury has a 16 second cooldown at 50% Haste
If we don't take Serenity, we simply use Fists of Fury 3.75
times per minute
for a total of 6.25 APM lost
If we're hitting a button every second we're not channeling FoF, that brings us down from 60 APM to 53.75 APM (on GCD)
for a total of 6.25 APM lost
If we're hitting a button every second we're not channeling FoF, that brings us down from 60 APM to 53.75 APM (on GCD)
But if we do take
Serenity (and if our goal is maximum APM, we really should), we use 7 Fists of Fury every 96 seconds (delaying each Serenity 6
seconds so we can fit two FoFs inside the 10-second buff)
7 FoFs per 96 seconds is the same as 4.375 FoFs per minute.
4.375 times per minute, we lose 1⅔ APM
which is a total of 7.2917 APM lost
If we're hitting a button every second we're not channeling FoF, that brings us down from 60 APM to 52.7083 APM (on GCD)
7 FoFs per 96 seconds is the same as 4.375 FoFs per minute.
4.375 times per minute, we lose 1⅔ APM
which is a total of 7.2917 APM lost
If we're hitting a button every second we're not channeling FoF, that brings us down from 60 APM to 52.7083 APM (on GCD)
Now we add in our off-GCD abilities:
If we take Serenity, we'll use it every 96 seconds: +0.625 APM
If we don't take Serenity, we'll use Tigereye Brew instead: +⅔ APM
If we take Xuen: +⅓ APM
If we take Energizing Elixir: up to 1 APM
Touch of Karma: up to ½ APM
If we take Serenity, we'll use it every 96 seconds: +0.625 APM
If we don't take Serenity, we'll use Tigereye Brew instead: +⅔ APM
If we take Xuen: +⅓ APM
If we take Energizing Elixir: up to 1 APM
Touch of Karma: up to ½ APM
There are plenty of other ways to gain additional actions: Diffuse Magic, canceling SE&F or Flying Serpent Kick, Rolling in between GCDs, etc. (Then there's interrupts, potions, extra action buttons, and so on -- but those actions aren't exclusive to Monks, so you might not consider them part of your rotation.)
So, depending on our talent choices and encounter details, we can expect our top speed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 53-55 APM.
Of course, we can also lose
APM, either through mistakes in rotation, or in situations where the enemy is
unattackable. Diffuse Magic's nerf and
Nimble Brew's removal may finally get us to back off when the boss does something
Finally, this model assumes we have unlimited
resources. In practice, we won't have
enough resources to fill every single GCD, even at 50% haste.
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